by Helen Ivory | Oct 3, 2023 | Featured, Poetry
Runts So there we sit, the runts, the overweights, my Jewish friends who, like me, are more academic than athletic, when the don’t-give-a-shits, late to PE and with no kit, are made to join us in the stands, sidle up next to us, taunt us for being...
by Helen Ivory | Oct 2, 2023 | Featured, Poetry
ode to pelvic pain outside a herd of elephants thunder past you are number 7 in the queue you swallow a pill that numb the nerves that are sparking like someone stuck their hand in the toaster the hold music is Sade singing, while being strangled...
by Helen Ivory | Oct 1, 2023 | Featured, Poetry
After Surgery Through the kitchen window, an Acer pseudoplatanus regrowing its Brilliantissimum. We both face the bite of a late spring morning: tree, bold as brass – and me? Still here somewhere under protective layers. There’s hope in this...