Today’s choice

Previous poems

Sally Festing




A Basket of Nettles and Larks

Life lines still arc round the base of each thumb
though the bulk of hand’s muscle mass
lies in the thenar bellies, now flat as linoleum

and tendons smart branches when I brace fingers,
interrupting hillocks of skin.

The heart line runs under my wedding ring,
fused to the engagement ring (one college afternoon).

If I massage the mudflats in this wicked pack of cards,
flies swarm its spiderwebs. But valiantly my head line tramps
through my palm’s basket of nettles and larks.



Sally Festing’s new poetry collection, Meeting Places (Mica Press), will be launched 22 May 2025 (6-8.00pm) at Norwich’s Maddermarket Bar. The poems wrap up love, blood ties, art, and aging in a spikey bundle. She’s a seasoned North Norfolk author (

Jeanette Burton

What is this, a family outing?

Yes, dad, that’s exactly what this is, I want to say to him
as I open the car door, climb into the front seat,
remembering those marvellous trips to the tip at Loscoe.

CS Crowe

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Carole Bromley

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I’d already heard about the time
a colleague’s husband turned up
at the staff barbecue and punched him.