Aiko Greig

      Cassowary   When I first loved you, shy flightless bird, our mouths barely touched. You left your red-blue scarf on the nape of my headboard, a slack talisman. A reason for your return. I could not bear   to let you go. You kicked your...

Sue Spiers

      The Path   My steps stutter in small paces, keeping balance in case I stumble and roll down and down landing with a splash under the green ironwork bridge. It’s a small stream leading to pools that feed pools draping silver shawls over the...

John Doyle

      Misjudging Poltergeists   Washing line fandango 11:54am clothes bashing, then catching, wetting flowers in aftermaths of rage let’s blame this stealth of silver-coloured wind bringer of war, life, self-merriment invisible in its lone...

M. Leland Oroquieta

        Ballad for Botox   Seventeen is a dream; fat with attitude and a bit of cunning, he wears it in age clients knows him as: twenty-one.  Usually, they’re over fifty-five, divorced, widowed, all married to loneliness and means. Ms....

Nisha Bhakoo

    Clown and gold   She ate lemons to prove a point. The blast of pennies dragged her forward. To keep fish in the sink without a heart. The weight of light outshined itself. Forward to the creases under the eyes: sardine, trout, clown and gold.  ...

Stella Wulf

      Double Take   It was my birthday. In time-honoured wont I took the bus to the Rubicon for tea and cake with Uncle Pete, Master of Treats and Ceremonies.   The Tea Room chinked and tinkled, snug with radio hum and finger crooked genteel...