Doors of Perception

Congratulations, upon your wise decision
To purchase your Doors of Perception
From Ikea

Although there are no specific rules about
How to use your Doors of Perception,
We are legally, morally, ethically
And metaphysically bound, to advise
A certain level of dedication on your part
To ensuring the hinges
Attaching your Doors of Perception
To the wall between the physical
And non-physical planes of existence
Are kept well lubricated.

Unless these hinges are properly maintained,
There is a serious risk that eventually
Your Doors of Perception will become stuck
In either the open
Or closed position.

Permanently open
Or permanently closed
Doors of Perception
May be hazardous
To your body, mind
And relationships.

This may be because
Permanently open Doors of Perception
May constantly flood you
With incessant mental stimulation
At the expense of a solid sense of Self Identity
Permanently closed Doors of Perception
May result in you becoming set in your ways
Fixed in your views, and so unshakeable
In your Prejudices
That you find it impossible to communicate
With anyone who does not share them.

Ideally, you should be able to open
And close your Doors of Perception
As you see fit
They will last you a lifetime
Whether you maintain them or not

But while we at Ikea
Appreciate your custom
We cannot accept any responsibility
For any negative consequences
Arising from you ignoring
Our Consumer advice
Regarding your Doors of Perception

Because without the Proper use
Of the appropriate lubrication
Your Doors of Perception
Or indeed, you
May become





William Ford is a poet, spoken word performer, event organiser and host who experiments with words to surprise himself and (hopefully) others with poems of varying length and spoken word in various voices. More details can be found on