In case

of fire
exit building
before tweeting
about it.
Do not stay statue-still
with conducting hands
those fidget thumbs
whilst up the stairs
the accounts team
are inhaling smoke
for the first
(and last) time.
Please scroll down
the stairwell and click ‘exit.’
Assemble yourself.
Breathe in. Breathe out.
Now look at this
picture of a girl with a clown
and remember what it means
for a channel to be
off air.




Susie Wild is the author of The Art of Contraception. She’s performed her words in dives and dance halls since 2006 (Green Man, Dinefwr, Glastonbury, Hay, The Laugharne Weekend etc) and been published on websites, in anthologies, magazines and even on cake. She lives in Cardiff and is Publishing Editor at Parthian Books. Twitter: @soozerama  Blog:  Amazon Author Page: