Super Mario

And so it began
For me back in seventy eight
On a thick set T.V.
Way out past bedtime.
The commentator’s sotto voice
The colours, so vivid
Splashed on green, orange
And stripes
Adorned in blue and white
And a long haired, long sleeved God
The anointed number ten
Manly, moustachioed
Super Mario Kempes
Spinning, stopping, turning
A shot, the checker ball
Slow motion rolling
Beyond the Oranje –
Ticker tape immortality
I’m standing, shoeless
In pyjamas, and i don’t know why
And so it began
For me back in seventy eight





Steve Mearns 52 lives in Shropshire with his partner. Steve has been writing poetry for 3 years and has had poetry published in Down in the Dirt and Mudfish magazines. His work has also been performed live at the Poetry Cafe in Chicago; he is looking for his first published work in the UK.  Twitter – @stavmrontz