
The Welsh granite of it
stands waves on their heels.
I walk up and round, up
and round with floors
at levels, periodically.

Ancestors made
generators, switchgear,
the cables run around
the core, a second spiral
leading to the top.

Here, I see sea to the
world’s lip, or seasoned
land for sixty years. Day
and night, the lamp beams
me, me, me.




Simon Williams has written poetry for 35 years. It ranges widely, from quirky pieces often derived from news items or science and technology, to biographical themes, to the occasional Clerihew. He has five published collections, the latest being A Place Where Odd Animals Stand (Oversteps Books, 2012) and He|She  (Itinerant Press, 2013). Simon was The Bard of Exeter 2013 and founded a new magazine for the South West, The Broadsheet, in that year.   Website: