

Ideas become objects;

we become what we sculpt


He, experimented with soil,

and got an Adam


We experimented with silt,

and got robots


She fancied a replica of him,

inside of her, and ballooned with delight


he formed her into a book,

a goddess, that the alphabets of her essence

be worshipped till eternity.






Storyteller, poet, freelance writer and editor. Shittu Fowora, a lifelong fan of history and the power of scented words has recently been motivated by the winsomeness of birds and the wisdom of ants.

His works have recently appeared in or forthcoming from Sentinel Quarterly review,Cha,Monkeystarpress, StoryMoja, RousingReads, Thewritemag, Helen Literary Magazine,, DANSE MACABRE,, National dailies and various literary outlets.