Fierce Love

To be a lyre bird, dove…or pigeon:
strong-clawed and sleek-feathered.

To write songs of flight in italics
against grey skies, and dig out

the worms that dirt hides. To carry dawn
home in my silky down, spread light

across fields and town, then balance
stillness in the winter’s stark trees.

To know heights higher than the highest
branch, grip the hardest edge of ice

and graze the skins of frozen lakes.
To see small breaths slowly melt

even landlocked limbs. For his touch
to ruffle my night face now, softly

as a snowy owl, with the dark eyes
of a falcon: fierce, starless and deep

enough to drown my fears.



Sarah James is a poet, fiction writer and journalist. A narrative in poems, The Magnetic Diaries,  is published by KFS and a collection, plenty-fish, with Nine Arches Press this summer. Her début collection, Into the Yell, won third prize in the multi-genre International Rubery Book Awards 2011.

First published in The Magnetic Diaries, Knives Forks and Spoons Press, 2015