The Pilcrows

They came, in place of the Person from Porlock,
in swarming ranks on my typescript.
They stormed across the verse tale’s infancy,
blew its moment of arrival, not versatile.
The poem took its hat hastily
on the interruption, and stalked out
not leaving even a glove or scarf to impress
and once the Pilcrows departed, I saw
my desperate attempts to corner them
away from the mainstream of my mind
had failed. O Pilcrows,
you do not care for what might have been.
Pilcrows, you are not welcome at this poet’s table;
I have no crumbs for you.




Sally Evans has published several poetry books, including Poetic Adventures in Scotland (2014) and The Bees (2008), and has been published widely in magazines. , twitter @sallyevanz1