Thick Collars

His living walked the halls of roads
where branches pointed his direction.

His coats thickness covered a chest
with a heart for home.

Lifting and pushing is the job
of his hands; he worked the wrong
side of each day.

Breezes tease the edge of his hat,
rubbing his face, forcing hands
into pockets and eyes to squint.





Roger G Singer served as a med-tech at MacDill AFB in Tampa Florida for three in half years during the Vietnam era.  When discharged he began studies at the University of South buy ultram with paypal Florida attaining  Associate and Bachelor degrees. In 1973 he attended Logan College of Chiropractic in St. Louis, Missouri, attaining his doctorate in 1977. While in active practice he served on the Legislative and Practice Management committees for the American Chiropractic Association, lecturing at a number of chiropractic colleges in the United States, Canada and Australia, and authoring over 50 articles pertaining to chiropractic management and legal guidelines for associates.