Two Humming Birds

I phone the accountant,
answer emails, tidy the flat,
put papers away in the file
where they belong.

From my desk, I hear the birds
speaking their messages,
the neighbor putting away cups and plates
on the shelf where they belong.

Up north, two humming birds
dive past a friend’s open door.
Joy, she said, that means joy.

Here at my desk,
I listen to the birds
as they whistle on the air,
the trees as they creak
beyond the window screen,
and I think about things
and where it is that
they belong.





Noel Canin is a South African who has lived in Israel since 1968. She has two children and five grandchildren and currently lives in Herzeliya. In addition to writing poetry and prose, she is also a translator from Hebrew into English. Noel is a Reiki Master and works with people through healing and massage. She has also worked with special needs children through touch and movement.  She is training to be a Hakomi psychotherapist. Noel Canin’s first collection of poems, Let the Rain Listen For Me, was recently self-published by Xlibris. She has published extensively in Israel, the UK, and the USA.