Here's the first of our poetry podcast recordings, courtesy of The poem – Things I Should Have Said At The Time, But Never Did – is by Jo Bell. An archaeologist by training, Jo Bell is the Co-ordinator of National Poetry Day (October 9th) and the former Cheshire Poet Laureate 2007. Her podcasts as part of her laureateship can be found here. Her first collection Navigation was published in 2007. She currently runs Bell Jar, through which she works as a facilitator, workshop tutor, editor of books and magazines, live literature promoter/producer, and manager of creative projects across the UK. She lives on a 67′ narrowboat currently based in Cheshire, but which will be moving to the rivers Avon and Severn in 2009.
* Instructions: To access this podcast: click on the paperclip, this will reveal an MP3 file attachment, click on this and a new browser page will open up with a familiar audio player plugin control panel (play, pause, rewind etc – these my vary depending upon the type of software you have on your system). Play the file as many times as you like – or even download it to your desktop. Then, when you have finished, click the 'back' button on your browser to return to the Ink Sweat & Tears site.