Here's our latest poetry podcast recording, courtesy of The poem – Talking to Silence – is by another IS&T contributor Hannah Silva. Hannah Silva performs her poetry regularly in the South West. In London she has performed within La Langoustine est Morte, Visions of the City II and at the London Word Festival. Her poetry has been published by Stride, Great Works, the Openned anthology, Tears in the Fence, Ink, Sweat & Tears and The Pedestal. She was awarded the 2007 Torbay Artsbase literature award. She was selected as one of The Times ‘Top Ten Literary Stars of 2008′, where they commented that ‘Her physical performances, fast-talking delivery and innovative use of cut-up text make her one of the most ambitious and entertaining poets in the country’. She also writes for theatre and has had performances in Holland, Germany, Japan and the UK. She studied choreography and performance writing at Dartington College of Arts and is currently doing an MFA in Theatre Practice at Exeter University.and taken from his new digital chapbook published by Snakeskin.
* Instructions:
To access this podcast: click on the paperclip, this will reveal an MP3
file attachment, click on this and a new browser page will open up with
a familiar audio player plugin control panel (play, pause, rewind etc –
these my vary depending upon the type of software you have on your
system). Play the file as many times as you like – or even download it
to your desktop. Then, when you have finished, click the 'back' button
on your browser to return to the Ink Sweat & Tears site.