Here's our latest poetry podcast recording, courtesy of The poem – Mrs Davies, Verdun
– is by Byron Beynon. Beynon is from Carmarthenshire but has lived and worked in London, Cardiff, Norway, France and Australia. Since 1999 he has worked as a tutor for Swansea University. His work has appeared in several publications including The Independent, Quadrant, Landfall, Planet, Agenda, New Welsh Review, Cyphers, English, Wasafiri, Stand Magazine, Oasis and Other Poetry. In 2004 he was involved with the Dylan Thomas Centre in co-ordinating the Welsh contribution to a Young People’s Anthology entitled Fifty Strong which was a project to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the South Bank Centre Poetry Library at the Royal Festival Hall, London. He has also been co-editor of the poetry magazine Roundyhouse. His most recent collection is Cuffs published by Rack Press in 2008.