Ubiquitous Unravelling





Reader, I can’t pretend to know you,

but listen intently enough, as though I do

in the concrete jungle they call

Piccadilly Gardens:


a glass of wine later

and a pint of Hobgoblin

as the conversation meanders like exhaust

fumes through lanes of traffic,

bus routes, tram lines

and the unsuspecting mass of bodies,

between city streets,

through and towards what we already know:

hard to imagine the years of care

amounted to this, no holding hands,

no linking of arms, not a kiss,

only the well ordered yawns

of a first and last face to face encounter.






Who could’ve known

that in that parade of flesh

we found ourselves caught up in,

only the dead one would come

to bare teeth

at our lonely conversation,

our conversation about being alone?


No use to lie, no need to sharpen the blade.


Just what has been rejected here –

but the idea of our future selves as giants

traversing landscapes, moor lands

and hill tops, pleasure bound creatures

hell bent on self discovery?


So we annihilate each others dreams,

speaking of mutability

as though our own flesh were indestructible

with all the hubris of solitary bees.





Mark A. Murphy’s first full length collection, Night-watch Man & Muse was published in November 2013 from Salmon Poetry (Eire). Murphy’s poems have been published in over 100 magazines and ezines in 17 different countries world wide.