Bite Me

There is stuff
It can be very convincing
It’s easy to swoon
It’s easy to be charmed
But I’m a cynical bastard
And have seen too many
Attempt to distance themselves
With it all amounting
To nothingness

They need to justify their existence
A reminder, not a copy
This is a good sign
Speak of life lived
Of depth and power
Deep knowledge has been brought
To bear textured dark heat
It has given of itself
My duller self will settle
And be very happy indeed



Lisa Oliver is a writer and tutor based in Cheshire.  She has an MA in Creative Writing from Keele University where she specialised in prose fiction. Lisa graduated with a new-found love and respect for poetry and enjoys finding poetry in the everyday, the weird and the wonderful. 

* found poem from The Observer magazine, ‘Big Easy’ restaurant review by Jay Rayner, May 11th 2014