

In the North Sea the

bodies are hauled in

hanged among the hysterical sea

life gasping, flashing

silver, gaggling & puckering

lips puck*pick*pup*pop –

& it is bloody


See where a small, pink crab has made its home

between the cheek and molar

but scuttles into the adjacent cavity

full of coral matter in the sight

of a flashlight.


Our quotas don’t give leave

to bring them in to shore.

They are thrown back

with the turbot and the wrasse.

They are happier among the loving

fronds of channeled wrack and salt weeds

than if we lugged them

back in, to the bawling garbage-stink

where they would burn

in red brick crematoriums

leaving only the smell of codfish

& flakes of ash

shaped like goldfish feed.





Jak Payne is a from Peckham in South London. He graduated from the Goldsmiths’ Creative Writing BA in 2012. He is currently finishing his Master’s degree in Modern Literature.