On the Train to Stafford (OMG)



While the Leicestershire countryside

ambled by the window

(Oh my god!)

its  lush green hues and rolling hills

sparkling in the sun’s glow

(Oh my god – no!)

beneath old church spires reaching

up into an azure sky

(Oh. My. GO-OD! You’re kidding?)

that soared above thatched roofs of quaint

villages that passed on by


I thought about the peace and quiet

that made these journeys such

(No! No! No! OH-MY GO-OD!)

a pleasant memory of my youth

before the advent of touch

(EEIIUUW!!! Oh my-god)

screens and mobile phones on trains

to distract from scenic country lanes

Omigod! Omigod! Oh my god!






George Fripley writes poetry and fiction. He also blogs on whatever comes to mind. He has had a dozen poems published both in the UK and Australia and has also published a collection of poems entitled Silence… available though Amazon.co.uk. He blogs at www.anothergrumpycommuter.wordpress.com