When You’re Ready the Right Man will Come Along

Taking my cup of tea back to bed this morning,
the air was still
but I could just see, obliquely,
the telegraph wire stretched across the street
vibrating and sagging
quite alarmingly.

What bloody heavy sodding bird is that? I wondered.
and just as I thought it
there came into view
a man all in green and sparkling
legs all slim and toes all pointy,
slinking along it,
pole all shaky,
thighs pinging and stretching like the wire.

He caught my eye and grinned.
I nodded but didn’t want to distract him,
So slid beneath the covers.

When I came up for air he had gone.
Later, taking my re-usable bag to the Co-Op,
I found green sequins scattered in the street.

*Deborah Alma was born in London and lives in Ludlow. She writes poetry, runs poetry workshops for children and dementia sufferers and is studying for an MA in Creative Writing at Keele University. She is also Emergency Poet in her 1960's ambulance.