Two new podcasts by Helen Pletts

We're pleased to announce that we've got two new poems + accompanying podcasts by on of IS&T's staunchest supports Helen Pletts…The man who left this face on me  The man who left this face on me;this grey(no, i’m not impatient waiting for...

New concrete poetry by Chris Major

With the new Peter Postlethwaite movie The Age of Stupid currently portraying an apocalyptic representation of what could happen to Planet Earth in just 50 years buy isotretinoin pharmacy time if climate control is not kept in check now, IS&T's resident...

A new Billy Collins animation

Our latest Billy Collins animation is of his poem Man in Space with animation by Acumensch, juxtaposing images from the movies Citizen Kane, Catwomen of the Moon, Star Trek TNG: Angel One and Aeon Flux.

New podcast by Bev Ellis

In the words of Mandy – that's Brian's mother in the Monty Python movie The Life of Brian – I have been a naughty, naughty boy for not keeping up with our podcasts. Today we have two poems by my good friend and an excellent (and I think under-rated) poet...