The Third Day of Christmas

Worship The pilgrims watch us as we go about our work in the temple of shine. It is not yet the appointed hour and so they must wait in the greying snow and biting wind and, for now, but look in upon our preparations. You may think that cruel, that we are...

The Second Day of Christmas

Christmas DayBlackbirds here again,hopping across the lawn,signal that this isa day like any otherand all is right with the world –despite water,coming through the ceiling,and grandma directing my wife and daughter with her stick, with boxes to catch the drips.Back...

The First Day of Christmas

      Reunion ‘Let his path be covered all in red, so Justice can lead him back into his home’ Clytaemnestra I Welcome home, husband. At last. Observe, I spread this, a red carpet at your feet. Greet your pretty children. Walk with me and watch me work....