Book Review – Bobby Parker reviews Thought Disorder

Thought Disorder by Joshua Jones Published by Knives Forks & Spoons Press Finally, a poet who can reach me on this lonely plateau, where middle-aged duds circle my malnourished bookshelf like vultures flapping wings of twee...

Book review – Beverly Ellis says life's like that

The Piercing Blue of Sirius, Selected Poems 1968-2008 by Larry KimmelWinifred Press, USA, ISBN 978-0-9792484-7-4This Is Not About What You Think by Jim MurdochFandango Virtual, UK, ISBN 978-0-9550636-3-3As someone who has always preferred American literature, it must...

Book review – Bev Ellis reviews Attention Deficit

Attention Deficitby Nigel Pickard(published by Weathervane Press, £7.99, ISBN 978-0-9562193-5-0)This novel is intriguing – perhaps more so for those who have not experienced teaching in a tough British secondary school. The story is told in alternating chapters by two...