Ken Head reviews Roddy Lumsden's 'Terrific Melancholy'

Terrific Melancholy, Roddy Lumsden, Bloodaxe Books ISBN:  978-1–85224-908-3 Paperback:  £8.95 79ppTerrific Melancholy, Roddy Lumsden’s sixth collection, is blessed with a cover image that strikes a chord in the imagination even before the book is...

Fiona Sinclair reviews Anne Stewart's 'Janus Hour'

Anne Stewart The Janus Hour, Oversteps Books 2010, ISBN 978-1-906856-16-8
   £9 Many of the poems in this collection challenge the moral standpoint of the reader.  We  are invited to understand  the motivations of a series of  violent men...

Two reviews by Beverly Ellis

Experiments in PoetryThe Night Pavilion by Naomi Foyle, pub. Waterloo Press, HoveISBN 978-1-906742-05-8Days of Roses, ed. Declan Ryan and Malene Engelund, LondonISBN 978-0-9568223-0-7There is a great deal to enjoy in The Night Pavilion.  The collection is divided...

Julia Webb reviews Hannah Waker's 'Nasty Little Intro'

Nasty Little Intro #1 by Hannah Jane Walker, Nasty Little Press 2011, £2It was with some trepidation that I came to review Hannah Jane Walker’s Nasty Little Press sampler, which is simply titled Nasty Little Intro #1. I have seen Walker perform live and she is a great...

Mark Burnhope reviews 'Ghost Town Music' by Bobby Parker

Couch Potato PoetryGhost Town Music, Bobby Parker (£7.00, Knives Forks and Spoons Press)The words ‘irreverent’ and ‘anarchic’ are often used about things which really aren’t either. This is both. Even the front cover has a punk aesthetic: the same dark green, the same...