Angela Topping reviews 'Enchantment' by David Morley

Enchantment by David Morley, Carcanet, £9.95, 84pp. This book is aptly titled: it certainly does bring the reader under Morley’s spell. The first poem is an elegy for Nicholas Farrar Hughes (Plath’s son). Morley recounts a simple and beautiful memory of going for a...

David Cooke reviews Ezekiel and Cain

Joanna Ezekiel: Centuries of Skin. Ragged Raven Poetry.  2010. ISBN: 9780955255298.  £7.Miles Cain: The Border: Valley Press. 2011.  ISBN: 9780956890443. £7.50.Centuries of Skin is the first full length collection of poetry from Joanna Ezekiel. Bringing...

Thomas Ország-Land on Bernard Kops

This Room in the Sunlight Collected Poems by Bernard Kops, David Paul Publishing, London, 2010, £9.99p, Paperback, 132pp., ISBN 9780954848262Among the greatest events of British literature this decade is the publication of the collected poems of Bernard Kops, the...

Beverly Ellis reviews Hannah Lowe's 'The Hitcher'

Another Breath of Fresh AirThe Hitcher  by Hannah Lowe, pub. The Rialto (Aylsham, England), 2011, price £5.50, ISBN 978-0-9551273-5-9Subsequent readings of this pamphlet confirmed my first impressions, that this is an exciting debut collection by a gutsy...