Kyle Cooper

      The Flying Monk Elmer built his labyrinth And dreamed his Daedalus escape. For years he gathered Feathers from kitchens, Down from pillows, Raided carrion, plucked dungheap birds, Poached rare flight And planned. He worked gravity on a lathe,...

Mike Shreeve

      Sun bears in Edinburgh Zoo Cold, so cold, the Coke tin sears the fingertips Knife wind slits throats bloodlessly Past the cartoon restaurant, soiled by cold chips on plastic trays In the craggy emptiness Past the penguins who stand With time on...

M. V. Williams

      A Rock, Three Seagulls, You A reason to be there, I suppose, casting a line for snappers, the swell rising and retreating at our feet. Three seagulls came to watch, crowning the rock. The sea slopped on the ledge and gannets stole the bait we cast...

Susan Taylor

      Litter Bug at Hayle Across much astonishing sand I chased as it flew over sun-dazzled breeze. It was a tinkerbell thing, sparkle-dancing deliberate lines, faster, faster; a silver-plated swallow far from the outlying tide, tuning its own event...

Sally Evans

      The Pilcrows They came, in place of the Person from Porlock, in swarming ranks on my typescript. They stormed across the verse tale’s infancy, blew its moment of arrival, not versatile. The poem took its hat hastily on the interruption, and...

Jessamine O Connor

      Hellsteeth His house is sinking The tin roof crumbling He was springtime Up on rotten ladders Painting it red A balancing act Juggling brush, can, and glass I used to sit on cushions outside Looking up squinting Pouring the drinks, laughing...