Gareth Writer-Davies

      The Train is coming I shouted the train is coming a toddler on his first trip to London beyond reason on a rainy day the doors whispered and we were on our way we chatted and pointed and imagined ghosties in the dark but my parent’s...

Jack Stevens

      Eventual Return (Parts I and II) I You have frightened your father with the early hour phone call M11   A11   A14 To pinpoint your location on the shaking map and keep yourself calm, to guide those headlights through the thunder towards the farm...

Charlie Baylis

      Elizabeth (VIII) If love be rough with you, be rough with love Prick love for pricking, and you beat love down Shakespeare Elizabeth lies helium eyed, oscillating to swan lake, I start her car, every time a nun passes the old brigade, I hear her...

Rhona Fraser Millar

      A tiny pot of Devon custard   I can still remember the smell in that bedroom, meaty, musky and sour like bad breath. I can feel the thick purple carpet pile tickling in between my toes, the cool smoothness of the sleek aubergine wardrobe...

Lee Nash

      Buttons Delicate milky buttons. I am torn whether to destroy it, or to pass the gift on whole – that darn dilemma of taking or giving. Forgive me for taking. At the time I could not give, I had nothing. Not even a button. Not a sou, not a...

Craig Kurtz

    Jonson Variation: A Toast to You Drink to me only with your eyes and my intoxication shall be wise. I will not stagger, nor regret a surfeit of caroused duet. Let us quaff a mellow kiss and I’ll be worthy, I promise. I will not reel, inebriate, as...