Joe Cushnan

      In Chartres 1 Young girl on a bench Lights a cigarette, Then, with her cigarette-holding hand, Tries to put on sunglasses And, with her camera-holding hand, Tries to position herself To take a photograph. She fumbles, She mumbles, She almost drops...

Andrew Wells

      Blue Moon I blue moon from drunk-ship said I watch the purple-milk lake & though my head is ugly no head has any use   II rusted smear or rain by us the lake is language together we needed it   III time devours me though the...

Theodore Best

      Solace in a Kiln The fire set to fuse your glaze, fix your form, was fierce but you haven’t burst. So you are a good pot.     Theodore Best has an MA in Poetry from UEA, and was selected to take part in ’SET’: a live literature residency...

Mike Ferguson

    Writing Gate If the field gate is saturated and the garden soil too dry to dig, my world is screwed. Having managed the day before to lay that pen for the second raised bed just before it poured, such a reversal of physical law would destroy the triumph...

Patricia Walsh

    Pilot Light I drink from the well at world’s end. Generously, to a fault, or so it seems, so much for longevity, a sacred slumber That catches the moon and plays with it. An unusual toy, I find at my expense, that any loon could be in my shoes. A...

Jack Houston

      School Sarah Crown interviews Alice Oswald. the trauma of a single sleepless night back door left open for the cat the dog and the breeze to blow in. the natural world seductively democratic a tree between clauses a tree so romantically immersive...