Simon Williams

      Lighthouse The Welsh granite of it stands waves on their heels. I walk up and round, up and round with floors at levels, periodically. Ancestors made generators, switchgear, the cables run around the core, a second spiral leading to the top. Here,...

Marjorie Sadin

      October Trees wear their colors out. Clouds gather like congregations. It is Yom Kippur. I have sinned the sins of omission, of broken promises, of resentment. I have not killed or committed adultery or stolen. Long days make way for shorter ones....

Jürgen Olschewski

      Bridges I’ve saved three from suicide. Three bridges. Three bodies of water. The first was a rung-out Hausfrau on the iron bridge across the Stausee(?) – (or another bridge across a German river, in a city) near my home town – Essen....

Karley Denniston

      Spinning in Zero He’s so real he could’ve been made by man when we meet his cheek brushes against mine it’s buttery fine like quality leather i lodge pills into my gums to give a soluble smile he swallows it down no bother no...

Mary Franklin

      The Vampire’s Lament ‘Holding hands at midnight’, he suggests to me. Not bloody likely!  I’ve been haunting this cemetery for centuries and he comes along with that gapey grin, handshake a raw oyster, nails like ice picks,...

S. Black

      day of release still the holy mother tattoo weeps * in the closest behind the everyday his father’s pornography * on common ground a shortcut through bluebell wood the path of desire every 3rd saturday of the month * social climber balancing...