Kinga Fabó

      Not Because It’s Chic Here I have a place where I can be sad. I adore it. I adore it. I exist only in roles. I want colors! Colors! Just as above me the sky is always blue. Not because it’s chic. Not because of that.    ...

Susan Castillo Street

        Voices Oaks rumble in deep bass that thrums straight down their roots, draws from the earth. Hornbeams belt out Sixties pop songs, twist and shout. Willow divas wail soprano dramas in a minor key. In the blades of grass, whispers coil....

Jay Frankston

      The Portrait I’m not looking for perfection I don’t really want it It is essence I seek, wholeness with blunders and errors and the unexpected surprise. The hand that shakes when you unwittingly are being the hero. From small talk and blabber to...

Ilse Pedler

      Breathing   Sometimes in the car I forget to breathe, almost. Respiration reduces to tiny transactions reluctant to leave   any trace. Warm skin and car seat a new union, matter overcoming mind, the windscreen a cornea to see through,...

Charlie Hill

      This chaos We live, perhaps, in a lawless world, rejoicing as it does in the wild swings of good against bad, confounded by questions of maplines and economics and the democratic process, informed by gods, the tensile strength of duplicitous...

Chris Fewings

    from DIVING LESSONS Friday: death of God. Sunday: birth of body. i. Relocation Dive deeper into God: she’s relocated, bequeathing the heavens to faeries and astronauts. She’s chosen darkness: a sett under the ocean, a space at the pit of your belly; a...