Tendai. R. Mwanaka

    Send Me Out   Send me out, send me out I will make the journey Send me out send me out So far away Send me out send me out To collect the stars Send me out send me out To find your love Send me out send me out I will bring joy Send me out send me...

Josephine Corcoran

      Old Girls   In the library, we lost ourselves gazing out at traffic, yearning for stories of  adventure and flight.   Now, every night, we fly and hum, our bodies carrying the pollen of our lives: dust from cinema seats, grains of...

Colin Pink

      The Double   He follows me around, hasn’t got a life of his own, but uses bits of mine instead.   He picks out moments, rummaging through the dustbin of memories.   He’s expert at identity theft, living on credit cards he knows...

Gill McEvoy

      Assignation   A white moon waits for the sun to get to bed.   Inside her room a woman waits till footsteps cease along the corridors,   until the house is still, all breathing slow.   Moon creeps up the sky. She whispers to his...

Vivien Jones

      Allotment     I just have to see those rigs, those bed-spread patches, to see my mother sewing fragments of grown-out-of clothes, to make a summer skirt.   She laid the colours like plants, like rows of summer blossom, the cup of...

Michael Baron

      The Summons   When boys swam in the river While their brothers and sisters Helped with ploughing, milking, Stripping feathers off the chickens Before the weekend feast, and if The mood came on them hiding In the thickest part of the field...