Grant Tarbard

      Below the Feather     Cuckoo agrees that the guts of a pig would make fine compost in the garden of Eden. His blatant   attempts to deflect the butchering hoe of Adam didn’t work, cuckoo’s hot bowels would be plucked...

William Stephenson

      A Cyborg Observes Oxford Circus   Cut the buildings, paste them into files, analyse the dance of pedestrians and vehicles. Delete all zeroes of vacant space between till the scene’s compressed in memory.     In real time, pause the...

Reuben Woolley

      iguana days   hanging over grey waves the old yellow dog of a moon, pock- marked & smiling like tomorrow. i go to horizons & check the time   i don’t sail the way of charts & stars but follow crests like lizards know...

Clare Crossman

      Life Writing   No one will ever know what happened to the green scarf you wore, the long winter skirts   given away in a different city for someone else to wear. At the Indian table others   will be drinking tea, no sense that you...

Joel Moktar

      Illusions   The depth of snow that winter! You dug deep, deeper, waiting for life to begin   again. To find you I sent lightning, crows, a skein of swans to stretch   the sky with their looking. To lie low you grew into evergreens,...

Amlanjyoti Goswami

      Emperor   The emperor stands at the roadside, grinning He wears a ready smile, And dusty, once black shoes. On his shoulder, the weight of the world, A yellow satchel of homework. He is only fourteen.   Sucks at cricket, runs his feet...