Noel Canin

      Two Humming Birds I phone the accountant, answer emails, tidy the flat, put papers away in the file where they belong. From my desk, I hear the birds speaking their messages, the neighbor putting away cups and plates on the shelf where they...

Herb Kauderer

    Artifaction His early days are so far gone that few recall just what a troublemaking teen became this hard and steady man.  They view him only now, see only new routines. Their iron expectations leave no doors for his escape.  The past once nurtured him,...

Bud Faust

    Drinking electricity Next door, the light from a television through the window, always the light from a television and nothing more, no sign of anything that isn’t drinking electricity or running on battery acid and brake fluid, no sign of the good earth...

Frank C. Praeger

      The Long Walks Now that the rains of August have passed there are the long walks into autumn, the even longer leavetakings with the dead, the ever lengthening shadows, the unimaginable apotheoses of late flowering plants, the off and on worrying...

Pete Goodrum

      Lonely Train Sat, on a train, I watch my reflection in the glass. Because that’s what everybody does in a train poem. Unless they’re looking at the girl in the opposite seat. They do that to wonder where she’s going and ponder on how they’ll never...