Natalie Burdett

      The Knight He smells Lynx-irresistible: sweat and leather, dirt, blood, incense, and other people’s sweat but when I’m angry he smells of horse shit. He sounds of prayers, sword strokes, chainmail swagger and idle pious boasts. He cares about his...

Rowena Warwick

      On my father’s 83rd birthday Unpeg each loop of guy from the tent he saved from his scouting days roll up those hot July nights. Fold away the summer meadow put each petal in a jar Pour metal buckets full of river. Wind his moss green sweater...

Stephen Mead

    Rain The smell in our clothes, our sheets, The skin itself – Dawn of grey salt sea, the teary veil Of diamond dew, drop upon drop, & Beauty in the glimmering light Scooped up – Reflections pouring fog, the aerial World  I love – Happily flapping...

Ron Burch

      Do Not Be Afraid Above you, in the sky, a mockingbird attacks a hawk who has flown too near its nest.  The hawk soars up, followed by the mockingbird who taps it again and again, as if to choose a new direction for the hawk until the hawk...

Robin Kidson

    This is What We Find This is what we find when we go outside: Roads melting in the heat; Half-naked teenage boys kicking footballs in the street; The Indian kids playing cricket in the park, Grass darkening their otherwise Immaculate whites. “Hey, do you...

Rosie Johnston

  * They lie with the wild honeysuckle, dip their hair and toes in sunshine. * A sliver of time – her inhale, his blink – silence vibrates around them. * She holds both the clock’s hands, wrests Time to a stop, while he rests in her arms. * The longest minutes of...