Mickey J. Corrigan

      Insignificance The sea that bears you is agitated today dusted with tiny wild whitecaps rushing headlong at the ragged shore. You are one small wave surrounded by your own kind. The land does not notice you no matter what color you may offer:...

James Coghill

      I Encounter a Peacock How I came to be sitting in a bus shelter next to a Peacock in full display was to become the least of my worries. Imagine how he’d be if he were as wild as we are not said a little bit of me aloud. Just a thought. The...

Molly Miltenberger Murray

    Sanctuary An Elongated Haiku I am a pocket of lake lapping from the pond much like a hangnail, a little lagniappe of water mapped by green stalks where frogs come to hide in the salty-fresh sanctuary of my still tide-watered shade. I am becalmed. A swamp...

Ian Walker

      Disease There’s a place I sit in your heart, arse tucked between the semi-lunar valve and aortic wall. Every time you breathe, move, think, I am crushed into a V, my legs pushed towards my chest. On your left lower lid, there’s an eyelash that...

Martin Figura

    School Room, Upper Silesia 1933 Freedom and Bread In that moment when the shutter was pressed no-one looked away.  So the camera held each luminous face in its gaze, kept them there, each grin, lost look or open stare. Fifty boys in rows, with folded...