Bridget Duquette

      Dog’s Eye On our way to Quebec City, Alex decides to track down a friend from his past life so we turn off the highway and drive through the suburbs of Longueil until we find this guy’s apartment, off-white and dingy. Sylvain answers...

PW Covington

      Hemlock This evening, I am ordering hemlock Over ice In a rocks glass From the bar at the hotel Compromising with the barman, Agave will do Poisoning myself with south Texas With denial With faith and flags and family I am poisoning myself with...

Mary Jacob

      In A Black Country It was in the countryside that it came into being, traipsing black mud in the hallway. Was it something you said that invited it in? What could you clamp in your hands to stifle the words clanging against your teeth? You are in...

Tariq Latif

      Glenrudel Moors Huge blades fall continuously-splicing the air as if it were grass. And she complains that all her dreams have come to nothing and that nothing ever lasts. And the more she talks the more her voice breaks and the more she reduces...

Megan Figgest

        The careful arrangement of knives and forks Cutlery and China. Porcelain tea cups. Emptying glass jugs inside the symmetrical room. I’m minding my table manners. Not chewing with my mouth open, Slurping or sloshing. Folding my napkin into...

Simon Middleton

        Dead Lilies The vase is full of clean shapes, browning like banana skins, liver-spotted in the heat of the day. Petals, thin as bible paper, curl to parched and dog-eared flutes; the dry corpse of a baked starfish skirted with a...