Kitty Coles

    The Thin Woman There has always been another woman inside me, a small one who wears this flesh of mine like a coat, hiding her pure self in the folds of my flesh, the plenitude of thighs, ripeness of belly. Now her murmurs grow louder. The house is...

Daniel Roy Connelly

  Des bons mots All things considered takes ages. If you could have it all would you leave it where it is? The path of righteousness leads to the corridor of uncertainty. Absence makes the heart look elsewhere. A problem shared is a problem still. Do things by...

Jo Thompson

      Reeds Blade between fingers, she moves in with her lips and blows. She is far better than the other girls who can’t hold the grass right, whose mouths are wet. In jealousy they withdraw, grow tall and sweet as reeds. She longs for their green...

Mike Farren

      Electricity and void We are mostly electricity and void and, mostly, it suits me to believe matter illusion, time a mystery. But on this warm-cold night in early spring you lay your material, electrical void next to mine, and nothing is important...

Nicholas Klacsanzky

    * sugarcane field the temple’s shadow touches the stems * day before harvest on my balcony a stray kite * dancing without a partner clouds before mist * burying my cat cloudless day on and on * before dawn– the call of a mosque through mist *...

Jay Frankston

      The First Spark An allegory Long, long ago, at the dawn of the ages, long before man was civilized, when fire was still unknown to him, he lived in darkness. And if I came upon him then and spoke to him of fire he would not understand. How could I...