David Perman

      Winter Journey Rails snake over the snow to some distant point in op-arctic strokes; narrow, neglected ledges are now bright diagonals framing buildings, fixing whole backdrops of dull brick in relief. Dumps, coal heaps are hidden and all the...

Donal Mahoney

      Sometimes a Woman Sometimes a woman leaves a man for another man or just leaves. Sometimes a woman leaves a man by staying with him after saying something he can’t forget though she has no idea what she may have said that makes him forget she is...

Zelda Chappel

      Exhalations after Liz Berry Hot, the rhythm of our exhalations is a pigeon flock disturbed. Without reference, my dialect is unplaced so swap me your snicket for a cut and I’ll lend you my bones like brittle spires, help you find a...

Fianna (Fiona Russell Dodwell)

      Horses of Construction Mane bristle-rigid, the black pony drives hooves fast into red ground, resists the pull. In the fruit garden, every tree is in a row and bowed low with stone fruit. Beyond velvet plums and fizzy moon along the dark wall...

Sarah Sibley

      At Ernestine’s instead of the funeral Two black trees a pair of charred hands hiding the bungalow’s pebble face. Ernestine in the doorway. Inside, my eye catches her step as she kicks off teal slippers: dead spider a brown bow stuck to her bare...

Alan Katerinsky

      65 in a 30 Wind pulls at what’s left of my hair, as we hurtle across the interstellar blackness of the Niagara River. Fools rush in to the lanes in front of me, reminders from God to slow the hell down. Toes kiss brakes, like Icarus into the...