by Helen Ivory | Jan 11, 2018 | 2018 poetry picks, Prose & Poetry
When Stranded on an Iceberg When stranded on an iceberg in the middle of the ocean, do not squint while the sun screams at you. Remember that somewhere it is raining, that there’s a tempest swirling, a tsunami rising. Even though your clothes are wet, stand up...
by Helen Ivory | Jan 9, 2018 | 2018 poetry picks, Prose & Poetry
Under the Volcano, 23 June 2016 In the distance, Mt. Etna rises, summit veiled in smoke and clouds. Below, fields ripple out, fold into deep blue valley. I sit at a café on the square. Passegiata crowds surge and swirl. Two men strum plaintive...
by Kate Birch | Jan 6, 2018 | 2017 poetry picks
the cumquats of christmas past you hailed your taxi tuesday the eight–– eenth of february 2014 at four twenty seven p.m. i watched it approach swerve to the kerb its back doors fly open––if this was death i saw it crouched behind the wheel & jaded as...
by Kate Birch | Jan 6, 2018 | 2017 poetry picks
Mrs Winter Comes Home A whisker above zero, she appears on Slaughter Lane. Glass-winged in the glow of fairy lights, she falls to Earth as a dark, silk slip of a thing, drifting in, soft as baby breath. Poor lamb. Her body pools on the floor outside the...
by Kate Birch | Jan 6, 2018 | 2017 poetry picks
Let Streetview take you home for the holidays Hitching a white arrow up Saffold Way the trees are all too tall. It’s garbage day. The blue door to the old house stands ajar but should be orange and the street wider where in summer small feet ran over...
by Helen Ivory | Dec 17, 2017 | 2017 poetry picks, Prose & Poetry
Salt ‘n’ Oats This could help you live forever: warm the water in a milk pan, add your oats, stir in salt, let it rest. Take breakfast in the woods: listen to the birds, find a house ridden with hair. Test the beds. Should you be woken, run. Don’t...