Jane Salmons

    Dummies We ride the escalators in pairs upwards past the plastic palms, the static rapids. Our flawless skin shines blue in the half-light, the smell of palma violets hangs in the air. We dare not speak, nor touch, for fear of waking the blinking eye...

Emily Wilkinson

    Emily Wilkinson is an interdisciplinary artist and poet based in Shrewsbury. She works with collage, words, writing, paint, textiles and bookmaking. Emily has exhibited in Shropshire and Scotland, and was artist in residence at Wenlock Books in 2014. ...

David Riley

      Bit Parts I want to ask you, do you think we’re in a film? If we get our lines wrong will someone step out from the Golden Mile, put us back on track – though they haven’t done yet – the director’s a secretive sod. You smile. I like it...

Roddy Williams

  Fish  in the hospital  the fish man told me secrets  of life and catfish     we watched malawis  in a brief feeding battle  while the catfish lazed     nonchalant fin frond  easing like giants through  the desperate young crowd     the catfish grow big  from...

Dan MacIsaac

    Catbird   Dumtella carolinensis   Gray pretender samples beats   from spring peepers and circus jays.   Coy poacher salts its song   with crow ratchets and blackbird rasps.   Droll plagiarist cribs calls   from silken oriole and...