by Helen Ivory | Mar 18, 2018 | 2018 poetry picks, Prose & Poetry
Letches The call to bright lights is a whisper, tempting souls into the clutches of dreams that hang on a celluloid precipice. Los Angeles turns us into letches who lurk under the wings of angels, covered in soot from generations of sweeping up...
by Helen Ivory | Mar 13, 2018 | 2018 poetry picks, Prose & Poetry
The Venue Could you please wait for the indicator buzzer on the control panel: staff will be glad to oblige. Though let’s be blunt, we want you as guinea pigs, to make you feel responsible, and see you blush. Sorry about the...
by Helen Ivory | Mar 11, 2018 | 2018 poetry picks, Prose & Poetry
Above the Living Room Fire Everyone had that painting, didn’t they? Well, everyone we knew round here. But not everyone felt as proud of it. Not everyone’s mum looked like her so that there was a nod, an embarrassed look down as a man’s eye...
by Kate Birch | Mar 9, 2018 | 2018 poetry picks
The votes are in and the ‘Dummies’ have it for February 2018. Jane Salmons’ poem – ‘stunning’ ‘vibrant’ ‘fun’ – with its ‘brilliant’ image thoroughly appealed, occasionally disconcerted, and marks the first time a Word & Image piece has been...
by Helen Ivory | Mar 8, 2018 | 2018 poetry picks, Prose & Poetry, Reviews
#UsTogether I remember back in October, listening to some of those many conversations that started up in the wake of the Harvey Weinstein allegations and was surprised to hear male news reporters being genuinely shocked when they asked women...
by Helen Ivory | Feb 28, 2018 | 2018 poetry picks, Prose & Poetry
Milk and Honey It’s 22:37 and I look down and see you. You’ve had another hard day; I’m not surprised you look so sad. I’m sure you are thinking of the good old days; those days when you were idle; those days when you were framed in soft...