New haibun by Anne Brooke

The secret smell of lemonsThe road before us darkens. The shadow of your body next to mine as we walk together. Only the rustle of the leaves. The breeze whispering me to safety might be the sound of your voice. Between us lie all the words we cannot say, although now...

New haibun by Jeff Winke

Enter a Jet-Black RoomMadness has no schedule. It can be standing at the busstop, but the bus either comes or it doesn’t. Madnessmay wear a trench coat – tan I think – with epauletsand that belt that no one knows quite what do with.But then again, it could be wearing...

Seen at the gym

This is based on a recent real-life observation at a gym – IS&T editor Charles Christian wrote the haiku and then asked concrete/calligram specialist Chris Major to come up with an illustration…

New haiga by Pris Campbell

* Pris Campbell has published her haiga and free verse in numerous online and print journals. She has three chapbooks out, the most recent is Hesitant Commitments (Lummox Press). She lives in the greater West Palm Beach, FL, with her husband and a cat who sits on her...

Two haibun for Christmas

Well I don't expect anyone else to be working today, so here are a couple of haibun for the Christmas holiday season that I finished recently…TWO HAIBUN FOR THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYSby Charles ChristianShimmering in gold, two little angels – halos askew –...