by Ivory Web | Aug 31, 2010 | Haibun, Tanka, Haiku & Haiga
It's the final day of August so let's see it out with the gorgeous haiga…* Stevie Strang is a native Californian finally doing something with her photography and the million or so words that she has collected on bits of scrap paper ever since she learned...
by Ivory Web | Aug 26, 2010 | Haibun, Tanka, Haiku & Haiga
prairie flood –your choice of car or truck:a barrel of pickles # # # # # three days of rain –my wife and I shop fora water fountain?! # # # # # Leddy Headbutter,Oscar, Charlie Muzzlewhite –our jazzy blues pets * Richard Stevenson is a...
by Ivory Web | Aug 22, 2010 | Haibun, Tanka, Haiku & Haiga
* Rachel Green is a novel writer who will shortly become an novel author but she starts every day with walking her dogs and writing poetry. She has also started 'tweeting' an early morning haiku from her Twitter account – you can find her here...
by Ivory Web | Aug 21, 2010 | Haibun, Tanka, Haiku & Haiga
My Sister’s Poems After the divorce, my sister moves from a temporary crash in our parents’ house to a smaller apartment down the street, leaving in her wake scattered boxes. I paw through her high school memorabilia, discover that my eldest sister, like me, once...
by Ivory Web | Aug 14, 2010 | Haibun, Tanka, Haiku & Haiga
* Francis Masat is co-editor of Key-Ku (Florida Keys haiku) and author of Lilacs After Winter (haibun) and other books. The haiku used in this haiga appeared in Mainichi Daily News and received an Honorable Mention, Best of 2006.
by Ivory Web | Aug 10, 2010 | Haibun, Tanka, Haiku & Haiga
the few daysbetween youth and ageone lifetime* * * * *butter meltingon warm breadSunday morning* * * * *At the antique storeI sawmy memories* * * * *morning coffeeon the patioyour chair, empty* * * * *the house is gonebats circle in the eveningabove the empty space*...