
Tuberose dying
glass skyscraper
in the sun




White denim
splattered paint balloons
on tarmac



Monsoon gust
a steel tunnel
under the city




Larkspur trill
a morning in July
viola lessons




Afshan Shafi lives in Lahore, Pakistan and has studied English Literature and International Relations at The University of Buckingham and Regent’s University London. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Clinic, Ala Champ Magazine, 3am magazine, ditch, Full of Crow, New Asian Writing, I am not a silent poet, The Toucan, Mad Swirl, Visual Verse, Black heart magazine, and others. Her debut chapbook of poems Odd Circles  was published by Readings (Pakistan) in 2014. She is the founding editor of the forthcoming http://abbreviatejournal.com/    Website: http://afshanshafi.com/index.html