Curlew Calls


When I walked the moors

Of the South Tyne Valley

Not knowing anyone

Within 150 miles

I hugged the very call

Of the curlew.


I watched them lift together

From fields by the banks

Of the river.

Once I peered over a drystone wall

And saw one right there

Before me.


Flying on my bike

Over bumping tarmac

Down the hill into Beltingham

They were burbling there, in the air.

The first time I heard them

Was on Coombs moss

In Derbyshire.

I wasn’t so alone then

And hindsight makes those calls

Sound like a portent.





Neil Campbell has two collections of short stories, Broken Doll, and Pictures from Hopper, published by Salt, and two poetry chapbooks, Birds, and Bugsworth Diary, published by Knives, Forks and Spoons. Recent stories in Short Fiction and Tears in the Fence. Other stories in the anthologies, Murmurations, and Best British Short Stories 2012. Has a chapbook of short fiction, Ekphrasis, with Knives, Forks and Spoons.