A Happy Ending For Petrologists 


A pebble sat upon a beach and thought, as would a stone,

Of whether in the Universe it was a soul alone.

For it could see no evidence to otherwise disprove

That rocks had not the wherewithal to think or talk or move.

And there with countless coloured stones, all smooth and weatherworn,

Suppressed its angst, lay motionless, stayed quiet and forlorn.

Through summers and through winters, it endured its solitude,

In pebbly reflection, existentially it stewed.

And as its hopes diminished with each wave that crashed the shore,

It worried that it might be quite alone forever more

Until one day this sad and strange affair came to an end;

A fellow pebble turned and smiled and asked to be its friend.






Jonathan Humble is a deputy head teacher in Cumbria. His poetry has appeared in The Big Issue In The North, Poems For Freedom, The Caterpillar Magazine, Lighten Up Online and on BBC Radio 4 and Radio Cumbria. Through TMB Books, he has published a collection of his stuff entitled My Camel’s Name Is Brian. Blog: northernjim.blogspot.co.uk