All I Could Steal


From Bidston

to Belfast

I traced the line of you:


Said my goodbyes

despite the gale,

imagined your head, bobbing with

the current

through secret

shippingforecast zones

as my heart grabbed at imaginary


that trailed helplessly

through the moss-


felt the tome of the sea

as it lashed its pages

against my carbine.


I thought that I might cry then,


in the salt wind


and so broke the seal on a bottle of


to drown the lump

in my throat.


Drunk, I stumbled home through

Cammell Laird’s

and felt spite

stirring in the spine

of my tongue-


I taunted all the ghosts, and sang

to them:


‘When the big ship sails on the alley-






Nick Power has recently had perfect-bound book Small Town Chase published by erbacce-press, and is in the process of writing a new collection. He has  had poems published at M58, erbacce-press, The Camel Saloon, Boscome Revolution and Jarg Magazine.

He has worked with actors such as Maxine Peake and John Simm, and recorded their readings of poems from Small Town Chase. They are available to listen to here: