Old Girls


In the library, we lost ourselves

gazing out at traffic, yearning

for stories of  adventure and flight.


Now, every night, we fly and hum,

our bodies carrying

the pollen of our lives:

dust from cinema seats,

grains of instant soup,

flakes of lubricating jelly.


Our headlamp eyes

unanchor rooms, turn

houses into ocean liners.

I’ve heard that children born near motorways

can’t sleep without the lullaby

of rolling tyres.



Josephine Corcoran‘s pamphlet, The Misplaced House, was published by tall-lighthouse in November 2014.  She lives in Wiltshire where she is involved in community literature projects and is editor at And Other Poems, an online poetry site. www.andotherpoems.wordpress.com   @And_OtherPoems


Note: Old Girls appears in The Misplaced House