The Train is coming

I shouted

the train is coming

a toddler on his first trip
to London
beyond reason on a rainy day

the doors whispered
and we were on our way

we chatted and pointed
and imagined ghosties in the dark

but my parent’s inabilities
were becoming clear
as we bumped along the track

and when the little train stopped for breath
I came up for air
in Kentish Town
alone and inexact

my parents
two hundred feet below
lost in the puzzle of the map

I cried
as though
my  heart were broken

Gareth Writer-Davies was shortlisted for the Bridport Prize and the Erbacce Prize in 2014, Highly Commended, Geoff Stevens Memorial Prize in 2012 and 2013. His pamphlet Bodies, was published this year and is now available through Indigo Dreams.