For Maeve

Dear Maeve

This poem is not about you, it is about another Maeve;
this you must understand before we can proceed
and it is likely that Maeve herself will not like this
so we must be careful what we say.
I know you, Maeve, will think this unfair,
and consider that poems are always
about the other, entirely different Maeve,
So you will cry and rail about the other Maeve
and ask why you are never the Maeve
and I will not be able to answer.
I do not know why there is no poem for you Maeve
when there are so many written for Maeve,
there is no reason, no logic, no explanation,
I hope you can understand.




John Hawkhead is a writer of haiku and other short poetry forms. His work has been published all over the world in small press magazines and the Internet. His book of poetry and haiku Witness is available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble and iTunes.